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Reduce your Debt to up to 60%
Debt Relief & Debt Settlement Experts


Dobson Debt Settlement

Having debts allow many people to have a home, drive a vehicle, study college, and overall maintain a decent life. Unfortunately, a lot of people have also suffered financially due to poorly managed debt payments, leading them to face bankruptcy or lawsuits from their creditors.

piling up debtIf you want to avoid the worst and protect your assets and credit score, you can mitigate your debt problems through debt settlement. Optimal Debt Solutions will assign a debt specialist—equipped with skills in financial management and strategic negotiations—to your account, who will then help you reach a favorable Dobson, NC debt settlement with one or more of your creditors.

We will conduct a free evaluation on your first appointment with us, assessing your income, assets, overall debt, and other relevant factors to your debt situation. We will then present an initial debt relief plan to make you decide if you want to continue working with us. If you do, rest assured that we’ll do our best to help reduce your liabilities as much as possible.

With our professional help, you can focus on your other duties without worrying that your debts are exponentially growing. You can even get rid of the constant collection harassment, and you don’t need to worry about filing for bankruptcy anymore!

Call Optimal Debt Solutions at (704) 765-9813 for your Free Evaluation with a Dobson Debt Settlement specialist!

Effective Dobson, NC Debt Relief Program

At Optimal Debt Solutions, our goal is to implement an efficient debt relief plan that’s tailored for each client’s unique circumstances, allowing them to become financially stable again. With our meticulous evaluation and personalized problem-solving approach, we can negotiate and secure a payment plan for you that is most appropriate for your specific financial status.

debt relief specialistsYou can easily schedule a free evaluation with our Dobson debt settlement experts by calling ahead or signing up through our website. Another good thing about this is that if you don’t approve of the possible solution we presented, you’re not obligated to work with us afterward. But if you do, we’ll be glad to assist you in efficiently completing the plan!

By negotiating with your creditors, we can help reduce your overall debt by up to 50%. In some cases, we can get some reduction bigger than this. And once your creditor agrees to a certain amount, we will then negotiate for a feasible payment plan that you’ll find easy to keep up with, considering your current financial status and potential income.

Additionally, you can always contact the debt specialists managing your account through our online portal. All your concerns will be promptly addressed, and we’ll even provide tips and assistance so you can stay consistent with your payments until your debts are all cleared.

Settle for Less Than You Owe

If you’re facing significant financial struggles, having manageable payment terms may not be enough to help clear your debts. At times, most debtors need a substantial reduction in their overall payable amount. This is why the Dobson debt settlement is frequently utilized and one that we recommend for eligible clients.
debt reduction examples

No matter how much you totally owe, how many creditors you currently have, and how much you can afford as a lump sum or monthly payment, Optimal Debt Solutions can help you secure a favorable settlement agreement. We will prove that your financial problem prevents you from paying your debt in full and that you can instead pay for an amount lesser than your original balance.

Additionally, our amicable working relationships with creditors and expertise in negotiations allow for an easier path toward an up to 60% debt reduction. However, if your creditor, unfortunately, denied our settlement offer, you can still trust us to secure a final agreement that is still appropriate for your financial goals and status.

Benefits of Debt Settlement

Debt settlement is often an appealing debt relief solution for a lot of debtors due to several reasons. Aside from being able to reduce your debt in half or more, this solution can also expedite your entire payment process. As long as you stick to the payment plan, you can clear off your debts within only two to four years.

Debt Settlement ExpertsAlso, you can keep your creditors and collection agencies off your back once you put your account into a debt settlement program. Once they know that you’re working with us and we’ve reached an agreement with them, the calls and letters will be less frequent or even stop. Creditors are also less likely to file a lawsuit if a settlement is underway.

Another thing that a debt settlement can prevent is your filing for bankruptcy. This will benefit your future financial goals since even if the debt settlement can still negatively affect your credit score, a bankruptcy will do worse.

Chapter 13 bankruptcy will be reflected in your credit history for seven years, and Chapter 7 bankruptcy will take ten years. And even if it’s already more than a decade, it can still affect most of your applications for loans, credit cards, and jobs since their approval (or denial) will more than likely be preceded by the consideration of your bankruptcy history.

Dobson Debt Settlement Company

Dobson Debt Settlement optimal logo

Clearing your debts and regaining your financial stability are goals you should work on with the help of a trusted professional. Paying a mediocre company or an inexperienced debt specialist for assistance is just another poor investment, defeating your purpose of improving your financial status.

That’s why for a worthwhile service, work with Optimal Debt Solutions. We truly care for all our clients, and we are dedicated to crafting an effective solution for their unique financial struggles. Our Dobson debt settlement service has already settled more than millions of debts throughout the years, and should you decide to work with us, we are confident that yours will be another success story.

Call Optimal Debt Solutions at (704) 765-9813 for your Free Evaluation with a Dobson Debt Settlement specialist!